Call us directly: +91 922 5306774 / +91 9921395600

Nityseva Hospital

Dr. Sachin S. Ingle

Nityseva Hospital

Dr. Sonal S. Ingle

Khushi Hospital, 35, Pratap Nagar, Jalgaon - 425001, Maharashtra View Location

Your Guide to Cancer and Laparoscopy Information

Health check up packages And appoitment

Health check up advised and can be performed at our center are-

Breast diseases check up

Advised for which patients : Any mass or lump in the Breast Every woman above the age of 35 years should get a breast check-up done for early diagnosis of lumps or breast cancer or any other problem and its early treatment. The investigations in the case of breast check-up includes:

Other check up advised to check the wellness in woman includes-

Physician consultation
Gynae consultation with PAP smear and breast examination
Full blood count with ESR and peripheral smear
Blood group and Rh type
Blood sugar fasting and PP
Serum TSH
Complete LFT
Serum urea ,creatinine and uric acid
Serum calcium and phosphorus
Lipid profile
Test for HbsAg,HIV,HBSAG
Urine routine
Stool for occult blood
Stool routine
Chest x –ray PA view
USG whole abdomen with TVS
Mammography – both breasts
Bone densitometry
ECG (Resting), Stress Test (TMT), 2D Echo
Upper GI endoscopy


Physician consultation
Gynae consultation with PAP smear and breast examination
Oncosurgeon whole body physical examination
Full blood count with ESR and peripheral smear
Blood group and Rh type
Blood sugar fasting and PP
Serum TSH
Complete LFT
Serum urea ,creatinine and uric acid
Serum calcium and phosphorus
Lipid profile
Urine routine
Test for HbsAg, HIV, HCV
Stool for occult blood
Stool routine
Chest x –ray PA view
USG whole abdomen with TVS
Mammography – both breasts
Bone densitometry
ECG (Resting), Stress Test (TMT), 2D Echo
Urine routine
Stool for occult blood
Tumor markers female
Vit b12
Vit d3


Physician consultation
Oncosurgeon whole body physical examination
Full blood count with ESR and peripheral smear
Stool for occult blood
Blood group and Rh type
Complete LFT
Blood sugar fasting and PP
Urine routine
Serum urea ,creatinine and uric acid
Serum calcium and phosphorus
Chest x –ray PA view
Lipid profile
Test for HbsAg,HIV,HCV
USG whole abdomen and pelvis
Bone densitometry
ECG (Resting), Stress Test (TMT), 2D Echo
Tumor markers male
+91 92 25306774 / +91 99 21395600

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